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Book and audio book: The Maltqueen

Author: Heike Bauer-Banzhaf

"Die Malzkönigin" is a book to browse, revel in, smile about - a biographical fictional story with an invigorating dash of whodunit. It shows how a family business can be successfully led into the future through changing times.

Each book also includes a link to the audio book, read by author Heike Bauer-Banzhaf.

The life of the impressive businesswoman Sabine Weyermann is combined with a time travel through 500 years of family history. The old cathedral city of Bamberg forms the colorful background of this kaleidoscope of epochs. Barbara Weyermännin, actually to be found in the annals of the city around 1510, tells the history of the women of her family. Once a brewer and fisherman herself in Bamberg's Middle Ages, she accompanies her ancestresses through more than 500 turbulent years of German-Franconian-Weyermannian history and attentively follows the emancipatory development.

Parallel to scenes from days long gone, we experience a weekend in May of the year 2029. The 150 years of the Weyermann® Malt Company are celebrated in a big way - more than 1000 guests from all over the world indulge in art, culture and culinary delights for three days. Companions, business partners, friends of the two managing directors Sabine and Thomas Weyermann as well as junior manager Franziska ignite a firework display full of memories together.

But not all contemporaries rejoice with them - from long past, dark times a secret penetrates to the daylight and endangers the company. Can the Weyermänninen avert the danger with the help of their ancestor Barbe?

Word weaver Heike Bauer-Banzhaf and co-author and husband Bernd skillfully weave historical facts with imaginative details. It is the first biographical-fictional novel of the author couple!

Available in German language only.

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