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Book "Dark Lagers"

Authors: Thomas Kraus-Weyermann and Horst Dornbusch

Dark Lagers ist a unique book that highlights one of the world´s oldest and often misunderstood beer styles - dark bottom-fermented brews, which arose in the foothills of the Alps, in Bavaria, some five centuries ago. A must on every brewer´s and beer lover´s book shelf!

The authors, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann and Horst Dornbusch, rank among the world´s top experts in malting and brewing.

Together, they have brewed and written about almoust every beer style past and present. Thomas, togeher with his wife Sabine, is the CEO of the Weyermann® Malting Company in Bamberg, Germany, the world´s leading supplier of specialty malts, including a full spectrum of base, caramel, and roasted malts for dark lagers.

Horst is a world renowned brewery consultant, as well as the author of hundreds of articles and eight previous book on brewing in Englisch and German.

Available in English language.

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