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book "That makes GIN"

Authors: Weyermann® Master Distiller Philipp Schwarz and Friedrich Springob

Gin is literally on everyone's lips. An absolute trend drink. An end to the boom is not in sight and the number of gin manufacturers and brands is growing accordingly. This book shows in a well-founded and practical way how the production of gin and spirits succeeds: From the selection of raw materials to distillation, the entire production process is clearly presented. In addition, the authors give a comprehensive overview of the most important botanicals and gin styles, make the legal requirements comprehensible and show brand concepts for producers of high-quality gin. An indispensable work for distillers, bartenders and connoisseurs.

Philipp Schwarz is Master Distiller manager at Weyermann® Malt and a lecturer at Geisenheim University, master distillers and distiller training. He also works as a sensory expert, DLG examiner, lecturer and trade journalist.

Friedrich Springob works as an editor for "Kleinbrennerei". As a gourmet, distillates are both a profession and a hobby for him. When encounters with interesting distillers and distilleries are added to the mix, exciting stories emerge that he enjoys sharing with others.

Only available in german language.
Immediately available